A html email signature is a very valuable tool to increase brand interaction with your email recipients by incorporating clickable images and text links as part of your email signature displayed prominently on the bottom of every email message you send.

Create a HTML email signature

Simply make an order on the Pricing page and fill out the short Signature Info Form. We will take care of the rest from there. After the html email signature is created and emailed to you, follow the instructions on this page to get your html email signature installed. Click Install Instructions to see our list of instruction guides for the most commonly used email apps.

Installation Instructions

Before you continue, check the following:

  • Using the Mail App on iOS 11 on a iPhone or iPad

  • Have a proper HTML email signature file or…

  • Ordered a signature design package on our Pricing page

STEP 1: Send email from computer to iPhone/iPad

Compose and send a new email message with only your HTML email signature in it to the email account you have installed on your iPhone/iPad. If you don’t have a HTML email signature in the email app on your computer yet, we can create one for you. Click Pricing to order one now. If you already have one, go to Install Instructions for installation guidance.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 1

STEP 2: Open Mail app on your iPhone/iPad

Open Mail app on your iPhone/iPad and check for the email that you just sent to yourself from your computer.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 1

STEP 3: View email on your iPhone/iPad

Open email message with only the HTML email signature in the message area.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 3

STEP 4: Copy HTML email signature

Double tap any where on the message area. Click Select All and Copy.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 4

STEP 5: Go to settings for Mail Signature

On your iPhone/iPad, tab on the Setting icon. Then go to Mail > Signature

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 5

STEP 6: Paste HTML email signature

In the Signature setting page, make sure “Per Account” is checked (1). Double tap anywhere in the signature preview area and click Paste on the pop-up menu. Your HTML email signature design will not appear correctly (2). We will fix it in the next step so don’t worry.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 6

STEP 7: Shake to format signature styles

Hold your phone firmly and shake it until you see the “Undo Change Attributes” pop-up window. Then click Undo.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 7

STEP 8: Check HTML email signature settings

Your HTML email signature will appear correctly now. Scroll up to the MESSAGES section and make sure “Load Remote Images” is turned on. Click on Home bottom to exit.

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 8

STEP 9: Test HTML email signature in Mail app

Open the Mail app and compose a new message. The new html email signature will appear automatically. If the HTML email signature doesn’t show, make sure the correct email account is selected from the “From” menu (1).

Install HTML email signature on iOS 11 - Step 9

Congratulations! You have completed the installation.

Hope you were able to get your HTML email signature installed smoothly using this installation guide. Comment below to share any problems you may have installing your HTML email signature. We will try my best to assist or maybe a fellow reader may.  Write us a message for more help.

Post Date: March 9th, 2018